Wednesday, November 06, 2002

P. and I went to Vancouver last weekend for business reasons, and the trip went well aside from my not being able to drink the water or breathe the air. Oddly, I had been to the Lower Mainland half a dozen times before, including trivial visits involving little more than driving through it to get to the ferry to Victoria a couple of times, and I had never had any such problems. The air was especially, um, visible this time around, though, and it might have tipped the balance. My recovery time from long walks was out of whack, and my contact lenses also went on the blink at times. The conditions reversed themselves as soon as I got back to Vic and got a good night's sleep, however, so don't make plans to attend my funeral yet.

The business part of the trip went well. We did lunch with a married couple who constitute a film production company re: specific and general considerations we had, P. went to a conference at BCIT re: her day job, and I visited the HQ of the magazine Adbusters (and was unimpressed). Not too productive on the surface, but one has to sow a certain number of seeds, and P. felt that the BCIT conference was especially promising in that respect.

"First Person, Plural" is still in production. Episode 23 made it to initial broadcast last week, and Episode 24 is right on schedule to go out this week. We're still on every Thursday at noon (Pacific Time) on CFUV.

The SHOUTcast option is still available to me, but I'm going to save it for "utility" purposes, i.e., on a need basis instead of just broadcasting continuously. I'm not sure yet what uses I will put it to, but what I'm not going to do is pursue the "music-and-ads" format that seems to be mandatory for commercial success even among Internet radio stations. I expect I'll be firing it up on a case basis: it's there if I need it.

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